Everything You Wanted To Know About Single Origin

But were afraid to ask…

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all beans are created equal. Well, no. To immerse yourself into coffee beans wholesale you need to try Single Origin.

If you want to know what a wine will taste like you ask for the name of the grapes. For beer you may want to know its hops concentration. When it comes to coffee, it’s all about where it’s grown. Believe it or not those hard, little beans have a terroir, the taste of the natural environment they were grown in. In fact terroir is the main factor in the flavour of coffee.

What’s in a Single Origin?

It isn’t me who is going to convince you but the coffee itself.

The best opportunity for that is to attend a coffee cupping, an internationally agreed on standard for testing the aromas and tastes of different coffees. When cafés get in new Single Origins the faithful will gather. At Top Hat café in Clovelly, who are supplied by Black Market Roasters coffee bean wholesalers, this occurs once every 6 weeks or so.

The most recent cupping at Top Hat took place on June 17. On display were Single Origins from Sumatra in Indonesia, Horqueta in Panama, Jaime Molina in Nicaragua and Meru in Kenya, which really stood out for it’s acidic, fruity and for want of a better word winey flavour. It tasted like warm tomato soup and was probably my favourite! The event was akin to that first experience of Single Origin when you realise…

Coffee Has Flavour!

True to many Central and South American coffees the beans from Panama and Nicaragua were smooth and chocolatey with the Nicaraguan tasting like hazelnut. The Indonesian beans on the other hand were more like the Kenyans but with a much full bodied orangey flavour. Generally, cafés will buy Single Origin coffee beans wholesale.

Single Origin is the coffeephiles primary state of origin.

Zac Hambides